Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Disclaimer: This isn't a passive aggressive post directed toward anyone. It's just thoughts I want to share.

I find myself at a time of life where I have no patience for religious minutia. Order of service, who to be friends with, where you can go, what you can do, and controversial social issues? I feel like this stuff is a distraction -- a trap of Satan that keeps us so busy bickering about the little things that we aren't focusing on the central point -- Jesus. It's like Christian society is an atom and all the nitpicking and minutia are electrons floating around the edge and Jesus is the gigantic nucleus, but so many Christians are chasing the electrons instead of focusing on the nucleus.

I've chased plenty of electrons in my time. But I'm trying to focus on the nucleus now and ignore the electrons -- and the nitpicky concerns of people chasing them. Because I really, really don't want to get dragged back into that mess.