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Chemistry Cat likes science. |
I'm not a "science person," but that doesn't mean I distrust science. Science is about discovering God's beautiful and infinitely complex creation, and that seems important to me. It's cool to know he created atoms and quarks and bajillions of galaxies and still loves insignificant little us, giving us worth we could never achieve on our own.
This Christian distaste for science is doing a disservice to our people and making our world an objectively worse place because we're also distancing ourselves from the scientific process, a type of thinking that prevents crazy conspiracy theories and those email forwards we should all know are fake but get circulated anyway.
We use God as a defense to stop seeking truth, claiming that "science" is against him. This is not true. Science is neutral, it seeks knowledge, and it is unfathomable to me as a Christian why we should fear knowledge and truth. God is truth. Thus, the search for truth must inevitably lead us to him, and the study of his creation can only bring us a greater appreciation of him.
We need to learn hypothesis from theory from fact and how to test each. We need to re-educate ourselves and pursue truth beyond what we're told by those we trust. We need to be examples for our children, so that they know we are SO SURE OF GOD that we pursue him through study not just of his Word but also his world.