Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Hobby Time

Like teaching cats to dance.
Christians need hobbies.  We need to have something outside the church that we can focus on to relax and clear our minds.

I've seen far too many Christians so wrapped up in church life that they have no perspective.  They can't see the big picture for all the minutia crowding in on them.

This is true for any intensive activity, from video games to work.  If church and its goings-on are all you think about, then every little thing at church will take on undue significance.  Things that should be minor become huge.  Disagreements are blown out of proportion.  Frustration escalates quickly to anger.  Feuds start over some really dumb things.

Invest yourself in stuff that isn't just church and encourage others to do the same.  It will save your sanity -- and everyone else's.