Friday, April 13, 2012

Good News?

People hate Christians who break their own rules.  Particularly the Christians who try really hard to force their rules on everyone around them.

Here's the thing: Jesus doesn't like those people either.

In the New Testament, Jesus calls only one group of people names.  The religious leaders.  Specifically, the "we love rules but don't mind breaking them ourselves" religious leaders who cared more about appearances than reality.  He not only calls them a "brood of vipers" but also tells them that their converts are "twice the child of hell" that they themselves are.  Matthew 23 in its entirety is a ripping good setdown.

Jesus also becomes violent once (makes a whip and turns over tables), when he finds merchants cheating folks in the temple.  Think of it as walking in on con artists as they try to cheat your grandma out of her life savings.

So when you see Christians in your life who are complete hypocrites, take comfort in the fact that the person they worship is as disgusted with them as you are.